Want to know what's in store for your star sign for August 2023? It's all in the cards...


Ten of Coins, Six of Coins, The Hierophant

aries star sign horoscope

You are doing the right thing, making wise decisions and investments, and taking care of business on all fronts. This is adulting, right? Right! Good for you, Aries, keep at it. The Hierophant sees you taking on good advice and shrewd counsel from people about your work, wealth, home, and maybe even health. You want to lead a good, long, happy, prosperous life and you recognise you control this and want to be proactive.

The Six and Ten of Coins place you in a position of power to affect your long term outcomes. So plant promising seeds to reap down the line - start saving and begin healthy habits. Live well and enjoy the best life you can create for yourself.


Judgment, The Chariot, Three of Coins

taurus star sign horoscope

Some good feedback, with the admiring Three of Coins, makes you see yourself in a new light. You realise how unique, talented and special you truly are and you’re keen to use this insight to create a niche for yourself where your talents can really shine. You feel confident and bold.

Judgment means this is a powerful moment of clarity, a lightbulb moment, and it changes what you want to do and focus on. You might have a new career idea, or a thought about personal development or education. Seize it and work with it! The Chariot puts you in the driving seat. You are full of purpose, going places, and eager to make your mark. Powerful times, Taurus.


Six of Swords, Three of Swords, Three of Cups

gemini star sign horoscope

There’s a toxic presence in your life, maybe amongst your neighbourhood or work circle or friendship group… you have an inkling about this person and, my friend, you are right! Geminis can always sniff out the poison. The Six and Three of Swords combine forces to give you the insight, inspiration, and determination to surgically remove this presence from your life. It’s like a cloud lifting! All of a sudden, everything feels lighter, nicer, calmer. You didn’t realise how negative this person was.

The Three of Cups is a happy, good vibe, which means you will feel the difference in atmosphere quickly and get back to having fun, being playful, and trusting your crowd. Just one bad apple can turn the barrel sour. Extract it.


The Magician, Ace of Wands, Nine of Cups

cancer star sign horoscope

Beautiful, magical cards, Cancer, so August is going to be a great month! Three tasks will make this a reality. Firstly, The Magician asks you to get creative, access your power and talent and create something new. Maybe a work of art, a story, a pitch, a new business idea… something which could lead to a new livelihood!

The Ace of Wands asks you to start a fresh hobby or pastime, maybe even a course or class. Pursue a passion. Make it real, draw it into your everyday life. Finally, the Nine of Cups asks you to make a wish and then take overt steps in its direction – the Universe is backing you and will bring good fortune and luck to manifest your dream! Truly, you can have whatever you desire most. Make this August a magical time.


Seven of Wands, Queen of Swords, Two of Swords

leo star sign horoscope

I feel a real sense of power, purpose, and prioritisation for you this August. You are zooming in on your ~big rocks~ and shifting all of your power into making them work and progress. The Seven of Wands sees you rising to the challenges and overcoming them with real passion and strength. You outdo everyone around you, winning the pitches and beating the targets.

The Two of Swords has you making important decisions with confidence and self belief. No room for doubt or self sabotage, you’re on the front foot. The Queen of Swords shows this is all on you. These efforts and rewards are yours alone to carry out and receive. You are proving your courage and strength. You are earning the respect of everyone around you. Carry on like this and the sky’s the limit, Leo!


Knight of Wands, Seven of Coins, The Empress

virgo sstar sign horoscope

You are, with the shifting Seven of Coins, looking to make some changes in your relationship landscape. Nothing radical, drastic, or too fast… but certainly the beginnings of a new era of friendship and maybe romance. A new set of desires, outlooks, and needs are emerging and you want to meet them.

The Knight of Wands reveals you want adventure, fun, spontaneity. You want friends who are up for a challenge, game for a laugh, ready for action. You want people who inspire you and make you feel invincible so you can go out and do daring stuff.

The Empress shows you want true love, real support, lasting loyalty, intense passion, and a love life that is worthy of a movie! You want to settle down, nest, and be in love. You are ready. Look out for Fire signs and either a Libra or Taurus!


Three of Wands, Queen of Coins, Eight of Swords

libra star sign horoscope

This is going to be one of those months where stuff flies in out of the blue - left, right and centre. The Three of Wands tells you to brace for surprises - in a good way! Be open-minded, spontaneous, and responsive to new openings and energies. Notice what’s changing. Notice how you can capitalise on those changes. The Queen of Coins suggests there is promotion, advancement, and progress afoot if you jump onto the right bandwagons. You might seize something which helps you financially, or with your career, your health, or your home situation.

The Eight of Swords asks you to deliberately override your natural instinct to procrastinate or deliberate for a long time. These openings are fleeting and short-lived. Don’t overthink… just act! Grab what’s on offer and you can think about it all later, when you’ve sealed the deal!


The Lovers, The World, The Moon

scorpio star sign horoscope

A trio of major arcana cards always means that major stuff is afoot. Big changes lie ahead for you, Scorpio, and you don’t yet have the measure of what they are - but they will reveal themselves as August unfolds… The Moon is the mystery card and asks you to put your infamous and powerful detective skills into full effect. Ask questions, research, probe, and dig behind the façade. This will lead to The Lovers, a feeling of disquiet or confusion.

You perhaps don’t know what to do with the information you procure, and you need to press ‘pause’ and reflect. Let your mind and emotions catch up with the new facts. When you have concluded, it will likely lead to an ending (a necessary one) and a new beginning (a different path to success and joy). You feel informed, in control, and like you’re designing your own destiny now. You have the information you needed.


(Knight of Coins, Two of Wands, Seven of Swords)

sagittarius star sign horoscope

Don’t be defensive. I feel like the Knight of Coins and Seven of Swords bring a slight mood of paranoia and distrust into your psyche which doesn’t suit you, Sag, because you’re naturally an open-hearted and free-wheelin’ soul. What has triggered this?

Use the Two of Wands to open your attention and vulnerability up and look for where these seeds of doubt were first sown. Question your reactions at that point. Were you going off enough or correct input? Were you bringing a bias or some old history into play? Be honest. It’s not like you to not fully trust your people and so it’s worthwhile to get to the bottom of this and deconstruct it. Maybe someone HAS actually let you down and you need to pinpoint that relationship vs tarring everyone with that same brush stroke. Think this through. Act accordingly.


Death, Queen of Wands, Ten of Wands

everything to know about a capricorn and their traits

It’s not like you to give up or quit but, actually sometimes, it’s the right thing to do. Your energies are better served elsewhere, your powers are wasted on this fruitless project / situation / relationship. Recognise this and act on it, Cap! The Ten of Wands sees you feeling fatigued and thwarted. You have poured effort into this situation and not gotten the rewards you deserve. What to do now?

Death is a powerful signal for change, transformation, and doing things differently. It’s telling you to withdraw, rest (don’t skip that, you need a break), regroup, recalibrate, and deliver on a different front. The Queen of Wands is going to walk beside you for this process, lending you her courage, strength, and fortitude. You don’t like taking risks or quitting, but you need to see this as a necessary pivot vs an ending. You are too valuable and precious a person to waste on something futile.


King of Cups, Five of Wands, Queen of Cups

aquarius star sign horoscope

The Five of Wands brings some conflict or tension into your life this August - nothing long-lasting or severe, just a little squall which actually serves a useful purpose. It’s trying to signal you and get your attention on something that needs change or focus. This ~thing~ has been unravelling for a while but you’ve simply not noticed ad now that is going to ramp up.

The King and Queen of Cups reveal it’s likely linked to a close relationship - romance, friendship or family. You need to deploy your emotional intelligence, compassion, and intuition to spot the signs, get to the root cause, understand the issues, and work out a compromise or change that will bring resolution and progress. Don’t fuel the fire, find the water, and pour it over. Act quickly.


Page of Swords, Justice, The Tower

pisces characteristics and personality traits to know about
Cosmopolitan UK

Be decisive and clear this August, Pisces. The Page of Swords sees you tempted to hedge your bets and play both sides, but I can tell you that this will lead to trouble and stress that you don’t need or want (or deserve). People like to get you on side because you’re fair and trusted by others. You know what you think about this situation so just say it.

The Tower reveals that a row is brewing here anyway so you may as well be honest and find yourself on the ~right~ side vs drifting in no man's land. This isn’t your battle. Don’t get too involved and don’t worry. Just let your position be known (when asked). Don’t try and hedge or fudge or dally. Justice reveals the truth will out eventually, the right thing will unfold, you will be validated, justice will be served. Trust in that even if things look tricky. You know what’s right.

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